
Our Details

Our Details

The Plant Nursery

The Garden

Opening Times


Mail Order

How to Find Us

Places to Stay and Visit

Address: Moorland Cottage Plants, Rhyd y Groes, Brynberian, Crymych, Pembrokeshire,


Contact: Jennifer Matthews

Opening Times: Daily except Wednesday from 10.30am to 5.30pm, March 1st to September 30th.

Mail Order: Yes

Cat Cost: 4 x 1st Class Stamps

About Us: We are a specialist plant nursery with a plantsmans' garden that is open to the public during the summer. The nursery stocks many kinds of hardy perennials including Aster, Astilbe, Campanula, Crocosmia, Filipendula, Geranium, Geum, Iris, Persicaria, Potentilla, Sedum and Sidalcea to name but a few.
Ornamental grasses are well represented. We grow around 150 varieties of grasses, rushes, sedges and bamboo and have devoted an area of our garden to these, contrasting the sizes, from 10cm to 3 metres, growth habits and leaf colours.
Firm favourites are the cottage garden plants and these are well represented in garden and nursery with traditional favourites and many more unusual varieties that have a cottage garden feel.
We also grow many woodland flowering and foliage perennials, ferns and shrubs for dry and damp shade. For moist sites we have a range of plants that thrive in damp or boggy conditions.
The garden is open for charity as part of the National Gardens Scheme and displays our plant collections.

Plant Finder Ref: WMoo